GSF Programs


Empowering Communities for Sustainable Development and Resilience

GSF programs focus on empowering communities through sustainable development and social welfare initiatives. These include promoting food security and climate-resilient agriculture, improving access to health, education, and clean water, and providing humanitarian aid during natural disasters. GSF also emphasizes civic education to encourage active citizenship and peacebuilding, while fostering skills development and enterprise creation to enhance livelihoods. By supporting small landholders, women, youth, and marginalized groups, GSF aims to build resilient communities that can thrive in the face of challenges and contribute to long-term societal progress.


Sustainable Agriculture and Livelihood

Program strategy particularly addresses SDG2 which refers to food security and sustainable agriculture. The overall e objective and strategic targets of the program are small landholders, tenant farmers and agricultural daily wages labor to support enhance the capabilities and information of good agricultural practices and promoting Climate Change resilience farming. Additionally, the other strategically aspect of the program is to increase women’s involvement in the program as change makers by adopting and scaling the scope of kitchen gardening practices for increasing household nutrition needs and income generation means. 

GSF is also implementing climate change and kitchen gardening training and services to enable to provide alternate livelihood opportunities and generate agro employment for youth, women, and farming communities.


Social development Services (Health, Education, Water and Sanitation and Community Physical Infrastructure)

Program strategy particularly addresses SDG 3, 4, and 6 which refers to Health, Education and Water and Sanitation aspects. The overall objective of the program is to increase the accessibility and availability of the Health, Education and Water and sanitation facilities to the people irrespective of any discrimination of rural or urban division. GSF mostly working in remote rural areas and contributing that remote areas people have easy access to potable drinking water and have the accessibility of Health and Education facilities as the rural areas children future remain in safe and secure. GSF Believe that a literate society can be converted to a Healthy and civilized Nation.


Disaster Response / Humanitarian Response

Programs Aims to support the people affected as the result of natural calamity during the Rescue, Recovery, and Rehabilitation process. People are vulnerable and miserable when natural calamity hits them. They are totally resourceless, helpless, and dependent on other responses. In such emerged situation GSF has a very clear and zero-tolerance policy that the affected communities will be supported in a way that their ego and esteem never affected at all. GSF Staff and volunteers have enhanced their communicational norms and attitude on the basis of respect for all. GSF Disaster Response approach is to help the affected communities in such a way that they can bear the trauma of catastrophe damage and get ready to start afresh life.


Civic Education and Peace Building

The Aim of the Program is to enhance the people skills and knowledge in order to understand their role as an individual in a democratic society and as citizens remain actively involved in their own Governance system; and do not remains just inactively and accepts guidance and dictation by the others. Being an individual one should know one role as a citizen. With the involvement of citizens in governance, a plural society emerged which ensure a peaceful society.


Skill Development and Enterprise Development

Skill Development and Enterprise Development is key program of GSF, it is directly linked with Social mobilization process and lead the communities to scale up their role as entrepreneur entities. The goal of this program is to enable communities to make the best use of their business skills and to earn decent livelihoods for themselves and their families.


GSF team while conducting the social mobilization process identified the available enterprises opportunities within the communities and initiate process to utilize the available opportunities for the betterment of the communities. In this process GSF team also gathered the information of available small business within a community run by male or female and identified the potential enterprise opportunities with available natural resources and available market opportunities.


In this process GSF nevertheless dictate the individuals to initiate specific building but GSF conduct Training Need Assessment (TNA) and on the result of TNA skill development trainings are conducted. While conducting the Enterprise development training the numerical literacy also taught them as they can manage their small business easily.        

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